Monday, March 19
Session Code |
Session Title |
Speaker(s) |
Room |
Venue |
Track/Topic Area: |
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
BIM Pre-Conference Full Event
WE |
WE + Sustainability Pre-Conference
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
CFM Exam Prep Workshop (1-day)
Tuesday, March 20
Session Code |
Session Title |
Speaker(s) |
Room |
Venue |
Track/Topic Area: |
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
General Session
Chicago Ballrom VI-VII |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
10:15 AM - 10:25 AM
WE Welcome and Announcements
Kate North
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
IFMA Leaders Best Practice Sharing Round Table Session
Mary Ressler
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
IFMA Volunteer Leader Training
Women in FM Panel Discussion
Lynn Baez
Lucy Kalkman
Sandra McCurdy
Suzanne Harvey
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2076 |
FM Service Management, Technology Essentials for Each Generation
Ted Ritter
Geoff Williams
Laura Svitak
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2074 |
Fit for Five: Transforming a Decades-Old Workplace to Support a Multi-Generational Workforce for Years to Come
Erin Murray Butler
Holly Jeffers
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Cutting Edge Solutions
2041 |
Ready, Set, Exercise! How to Develop and Conduct a Business Continuity Plan Exercise
Diane Coles-Levine
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
2020 |
Respecting Human Limits: Densification Research and Design
Ellen Keable
Lisa McGregor
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
11:05 AM - 11:35 AM
2067 |
The Impact of Place on Innovation and Human Performance
Kate Lister
Tom Mulhern
Todd Heitman
Sally Augustin
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
11:40 AM - 12:15 PM
2083 |
Dig The Gig Economy: A Seismic Shift in People and Place
Mary Lee Duff
Jim Truhan
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday Power Luncheon
Sheraton IV - V |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
1:45 PM - 2:20 PM
2044 |
Workplace strategy and business resilience: Keeping the workplace productive during a crisis
Diane Coles-Levine
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
How Chapters and Organizations Can Impact the Future of Our Workforce by Aligning with the IFMA Foundation
Jeff Tafel
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
IFMA Volunteer Leader Training
2068 |
AV-IT: Bridging the Generation Gaps
Jeff Loether
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2022 |
Be a Game Changer in a Changing Game
Joe Pearson
Machelle Pellegrini
Debi Gilbert
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
IFMA Volunteer Leader Training
2057 |
See Something, Say Something... to Everyone.
Nikhil Shenoy
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Cutting Edge Solutions
2045 |
The Looming Talent Gap - Engaging and Retaining Young Professionals in FM
Geoff Williams
Derek Bacigal
Laura Svitak
Lauren Leipziger
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Leadership & Management
2:25 PM - 3:00 PM
WE + Sustainability = A Competitive Advantage
Kate North
Dean Stanberry
Christopher Cayten
Shona O'Dea
Glenn Dirks
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Welcome Reception, Expo Floor & The Hub
Riverwalk A & B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Wednesday, March 21
Session Code |
Session Title |
Speaker(s) |
Room |
Venue |
Track/Topic Area: |
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Power Speaker Lunch
Sheraton IV - V |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Learn How IoT Solutions Play an Important and Increasing Role in Emergency Preparedness
Gustavo Reyna
Joe Scanlin
Peter Viall
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2101 |
The Impact of Technology on Workplace Design and Supporting a Multi-Generational Workforce
Matthew Ezold
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2087 |
The Natural Capitalism Concept Comes to Industrial
Karl Heitman
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
2047 |
Transcending Generations - How Mobile is Key to Success in a Multi-generational Workforce
Ian Morley
Tom Zampini
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
2092 |
Your Greatest Facility Manager is still in High School - Panel Presentation
Jim Zirbel
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
IFMA Volunteer Leader Training
1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
2012 |
Blurring boundaries: Exploring boundaries from learning to working environments, why they need to be connected and how workplace can learn from learning.
Arnold Levin
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM
2093 |
Workplace Design + Space Utilization = Talent Retention
Joseph Poskie
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2:30 PM - 2:50 PM
WE Case Study: Willis Towers Watson
Bryon Olsen
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
3:00 PM - 3:35 PM
2060 |
Knowledge Transfer Techniques & Technologies in the Multi-generational workplace
John Brisk
Stephanie Stilson
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
2095 |
Back to the Future: Managing Employee Experience & Technology Trends Across the Generations
Elizabeth Dukes
Judith Novia
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
2007 |
Displacement Ventilation Workplace Innovation: Improving Indoor Environmental Quality and Occupant Well-being
Thomas Zakrzewski
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
2050 |
IoT, Security & Privacy – We Just Don’t See Things the Same Way!
Geoff Williams
Ted Ritter
Derek Bacigal
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2043 |
Leading the way to IFMA’s Future: How You can Become an FM/IFMA LEADER
Kathy Roper
Teena Shouse
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Leadership & Management
2065 |
Problem Solved: Finding the Gaps in Your Mobility, Cloud and Emergency Management
David Trask
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Leading and Bleeding Edge
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
WE Case Study: William Blair Corporate Headquarter Relocation
Jeanette Scott
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
IFMA Young Professionals Happy Hour @ Pippin's Tavern
Thursday, March 22
Session Code |
Session Title |
Speaker(s) |
Room |
Venue |
Track/Topic Area: |
8:00 AM - 9:05 AM
2069 |
Transformational Change Through Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
Cheryl Duvall
Diane Coles-Levine
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Helping Facility Executives Take the Guesswork Out of the Equation
David Frank
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2091 |
Embracing the Third Industrial Revolution: What does it mean for FM?
Nancy Sanquist
James Ware
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Cutting Edge Solutions
2034 |
Leadership and Values
David Suter
Sara Suter
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Leadership & Management
2082 |
Modern, Intelligent Buildings and Their Role in Our Network-Connected Economy
Todd Boucher
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2081 |
Preventing Facility Crime Through Security Innovation
John Valdez
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Cutting Edge Solutions
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
2073 |
Promoting workplace health and wellness through an open source analytics PROWELL©
Young Lee
Jessica Wolkoff
Michelle Osburn
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
FM Trends in Custodial
David Frank
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2037 |
Get Off Email and End Meetings On Time
Charlie Cichetti
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Leadership & Management
2049 |
The Facility Manager’s Keys to Active Shooter/Assailant Preparedness in the 21st Century
Randy Braverman
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Best Practices/Quality
2027 |
The Impact of Machine Learning, VR and IoT on Workplace Strategy and Design Build Process
Simon Davis
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2017 |
What's Hot and What's Not - Determining how market factors and generational demands are affecting our workplaces
Janice Cimbalo
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Real Estate Advisory and Leadership (REAL) Community
10:20 AM - 10:50 AM
2071 |
The Science of Workplace
Sharon Henderson
Lisa Morrison
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
10:55 AM - 11:05 AM
Kate North
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
2104 |
Increasing R&D Effectiveness through Workplace Change – a Case Study
Suki Reilly
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Increase Outsourcing Success (Building RFPs etc)
David Frank
Michigan B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
The Latest Update on the Global Workforce Initiative
Jeff Tafel
Ontario |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2084 |
ISO 41001 - the Game Changer?
Theodore Weidner
Michigan A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2053 |
Real Estate and Business Resilience: What’s it going to take to survive and thrive in an age of disruption?
Diane Coles-Levine
Janice Cimbalo
Superior B |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
Real Estate Advisory and Leadership (REAL) Community
2054 |
Space Utilization in Real Time - How Sensors and the Internet of Things are Providing Essential Data to Support New Ways of Working.
Michael Schley
Superior A |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
2056 |
Remembering the People when Assessing and Transitioning the Workplace Environment
Suzette Baker
Gary Miciunas
Shannon Soloman
Chicago Ballroom X |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Closing Keynote & Lunch
Sheraton IV - V |
Sheraton Grand Chicago |
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Facility Tour: Columbia College Media Production Center
Facility Tour: Historic Sky Scrapers Walking Tour
Facility Tour: Historic Treasures Walking Tour
Facility Tour: The Rookery