4.11A Redefining Experience: Friends, Fit, Food, Find, Fix, Feel
Friday, October 5, 2018 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Venue: Charlotte Convention Center - West Wing
Room: 208A
Dates: October 5, 2018 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM CST
Organizations who compete for talent are increasingly seeking ways to put people—and productivity, connectivity, hospitality, and community needs—at the center of the workplace. Today, we live in an unchartered world where the convergence of the smart phone and its rich app landscape, virtually unlimited bandwidth, and cloud computing power, has yielded a world where—with a swipe of a screen—we can organize most of our life's activities. Employees, tenants, and their clients are beginning to expect this same experience in the workplace. We found a way to create a memorable experience within the built environment. Our case study will explore how the technology revolution is transforming the landscape of the workplace and what the benefits are that this is having for the enterprise: ? Amplifying a company’s own brand and culture ? Attracting and sustaining top talent ? Improving workforce engagement and workplace effectiveness To our client, amplifying brand and culture were essential. Our facilities management approach still focuses on opportunities for cost savings, and now also focuses on the employee experience.

Thoughtfully develop a case to amplify their company’s brand and culture, taking life’s daily activities and creating an end-to-end, branded experience enabled by technology
Learn technology app attributes to improve workforce engagement and workplace effectiveness while maintaining a secure interface
Discover ideas to create a new level of experience across their entire existing, diverse footprint, at scale
Application for employee experience initiatives
200 level
Brennan McReynolds, CBRE